Kerstin Hardt

or as the Americans call her: „Queen of health“

For more than 15 Years Kerstin Hardt has been coaching people who want more out of life. In Germany she belongs to the group of best-known health and personality trainers.

She radically exposes mistakes, takes people out of their comfort zone and turns the world of the „health experts“ upside down. She makes complex knowledge seem simple and with great humour leads her audience into emotional experiences.

She is convinced that every single one of us harbours vast unused potential which can be activated by leading a conscious and active lifestyle.

Her motto: It is never too late, you just have to know how things work!

Health is the shortest road to more happiness, creativity, energy, vitality and charisma – the characteristics of successful people. Kerstin Hardt captivates, is authentic, clear and professional. Her methods are based on her own longterm practical experience.

iHeart Radio Los Angeles describes her as the most successful health expert in Germany.

She has coached competitive athletes, has worked with cancer patients for years and demonstrates possibilities which, unfortunately, are still unknown to many people.

She motivates and coaches top managers from industry and private enterprise. She leads them towards a conscious life of improved performance.

It isn´t only nutrition and physical activity that counts. It is a combination of one´s mental attitude and the activation of a force which is available to all of us.


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